Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Trust can turn into Hate..

(Amanda, Danielle,Rudy,Damien,Davaughn,Sherina,Felix,Brandon,)

Trust is a very big deal to best friends. And when you find those kind of friends you never want to lose them right. Well I’ve always had the kind of friends that would always come to me for advice. Yes I’ve lost friends, but me and her were close we were always laughing with each other. And I thought I really knew her. But the day I came to find she wasn’t kind of friend you could trust which really sucks because I and she always had fun.

Well maybe it was a stupid way to stop friendship but it happened. One day it was an ordinary day and we came to school. I was having such a good night because the night before I was talking to this boy I really liked. Well anyway I was walking to the cafeteria to meet up with my buds, and my friends were at the same table were always at. Well when I went around saying hi it was the same around the table. But when we were walking to class, something was different the girl I called my bestirred was telling secrets to someone else, but looking at me as she whispered them to the other girl. What was getting me upset is she usually tells me everything. So when I had the girl who knew the secret for the next class I asked her about it. She explained to me that she didn’t want me to hear it from her. I told her to tell me anyway, so she did and I guess my best friend was talking to the boy I liked which she knew I did and they had kissed.

Well I wouldn’t have thought that I would have done what I done, I started to cry? This really doesn’t ever happen. Well the girl told me not to say anything, but what sucks more is that, my own best friend couldn’t even tell me. But wouldn’t you think if she was your best friend she would have thought about my feelings if I found out they kissed? But yet she still did it. And what sucked was the weekend before that I and he had kissed and I told her. But once I seen my best friend down the hall she knew I knew and she still had the guts to say what’s wrong. But all I did was suck it up and say nothing, and I ask her is there anything you need to tell me? She said “No, why”, and I said “oh nothing just asking”, I mean I would understand if it just happened and she didn’t mean for that, but if you didn’t want me to know or find out you don’t tell other people laughing about it. Right? Well anyway I forgot about it and him. And you would think her as my best friend she wouldn’t want me to go through same pain I had when they kissed but no. she kissed him again and told everyone but me. So it got me mad I ask her about it, and I told her I don’t care about him but what got me mad was I had to hear from everyone else. But I really just stopped caring about him and her. Well we stayed friends but then she started to act really rude to me, I tried and tried to work things out but no she didn’t want nothing to do with me. So After I gave up on her I found who my real friends were, and I’m glad she screwed up because I wouldn’t have became close with the guy I use to like and met my true friends.
Its better to have friend you cant lose and dont wanna lose then to see your group lose a friend.

Friends Iv lost: Samantha Nichols..

You knnow you've read a good book..
When you turn to the last page and feel as if you've lost a friend..

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