Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Family-Ancestor Blog

My family from the past, present and future.

I come from a family full of joy and full of life, but behind every happy ending there’s always the tragedy and pain behind a smile.

My family was built from strong Mexicans and small people of whites.

I come from a family where you do whatever makes you happy, you don’t care what others think as long as it’s good for you.

I was born June 2, 1994.When I was born in Albuquerque, with my mother and father.  My mother was 16 when she had me going on 17; father was a waist of my time, usually never there. But I guess I have to give him thumbs up for trying once I turned 13. Grew up with a single mother and one brother. I guess you can say I learned to never depend on a man.

I plan to set a new idea for my children, give them choices to have everything they deserve. Make them see that the only person you can depend on is you. Never rely on anyone else; if you want it to be done right then do it yourself, I want my children to be independent not settle for something less, I want them to be successful in everything they do. Because when my child talks or states something, you’re going to want to listen. I want to start the line of, “yes their strong but they can be stronger, and their good but they could be better.”

Yes my family line so far is strong but there are ways to become stronger, but because I really don’t have a say in what they do or say, I will make difference with my children and their children’s children.

I’m going to make a stronger taller better family tree for people to see and climb, a tree so strong where no man can take away, break or destroy, roots so strong you will ask “Girl What you feeding your tree”,. You might say it sound funny, cheese, but it’s what I see and want and when I want something its gone come to me one way or another.When  you read this I will be your aunte sister or grandmother,and if I don't fulfill my goal in life I would like you to start a better beganing.

A rather than half my family not knowing about my past and aunt sisters, I will tell my kids about our past, the present and seek the future.

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