Thursday, May 27, 2010

Holly Cow Done With Sophmore Year!! Here We Come junior year!! Final

My sophomore year, wow it’s really hard to say that because my freshmen and sophomore went by so quickly. I guess it’s really true what they say time fly’s by when you’re having fun. I hope I would never be the one to say I wish I did this and did that, but yet I am. I wish I had took my freshmen seriously ,instead I was stuck on boys and drama, but I stopped and remembered that there’s going to be that all around me even when I’m out of high school boys are always going to be there, drama is always going to be there, but I focused more on that then school work. But yet I learned to be more coutious of what I do. I have to say that I have never thought about how I was going to be when I was in 10th grade, lots of people thought there was going to be flying cars, but yet that still hasn’t happen the most that’s change is gas prices and oil in the Gulf of Mexico. All I have seen that has changed in the world in disaster. It sucks to see the world go through pain because people aren’t satisfied with what they got.

My sophomore has taught me that there are going to be heavy lug edge I’m going to have to carry, life throws some hard passes and the thing you’re going to have to do is learn how to catch. I have learned that you don’t sit there and complain about what you don’t want to do, and just do it, or if you disagree with something you need to speak up for it and the fact to back it up. You have to be your own person in high school is who you want to be, anyone else isn’t going to like you if all you do is copy someone else. The school year has brought me a lot of craziness. But through all that I have learned about me and who I want to be. I’ve found that I want to be happy when I get older do what I want to do, kids these days only want money, see me I’d rather do something I love then something I hate but get paid more. To me that sounds silly. I’ve learned as a person I’m loud, happy but sometimes rude, even sometimes selfish, and I plan to work on those but I won’t change I promise you that. But even though theirs dislikes that’s ok because that’s what makes me, me. I have decided if you don’t appreciate what you do or who you are nobody else will, you need to accept yourself first before you think anyone else will. This year has been a blast iv been able to have a chance to go see college grads at school doing what they want, and discovering that even though I’m a young Hispanic woman I can still do something with my life, and I’m glad to say that I have promised myself to go to college at UNM for my 4 years of basics an 5th year in Hawaii, which I found great because I decided that, not anyone else.

Wow! Well the people in high school I swear it’s just like a whole bowl filled with jelly beans, theirs the sweet nice ones, the one that look sweet good but turn out discus ting, and the ones that look hurt full something you might regret later but turned out wonderful and joyful, I see people in that way because see people see others different, they see as their appearance they don’t give them the chances to speak. Witch sucks, and just like jelly beans their all different kinds that you look at but take a second look and say “ugh…no thanks”. But you learn that maybe you should give that chance because, I know there has been that boy or girl that you wish gave you that chance or the time, right? But when you think that way you should be generous and give someone your time or tell them look if you ever need someone to talk to I’m here. People take those things serious because they need people like that in their life. They tell you it’s not good to keep things bottled up because it’s not healthy, especially now in high school, these days some people can be such jerks, hurt you and they don’t care as long as they feel better about their selves. Witch you ignore because one day he/she is going to need a friend like you witch you know you will be their because your that kind of person.

Well boyfriends ha! Now let me tell you boys in high school try to stay away, all they do is distract, they are just boys, and girls these days want to find love when their what twelve, love isn’t found it comes to you, sure you’ve been with him for a while and you want to give it up to him? Why? Your young girl’s boys are always going to be there, and yes I know I’ve been through boys but its sucks even more when you get hurt. Trust me , yes theirs been boys here and their but I just have fun, no not that way, but it’s too much for just being in 10th grade especially 9th your still babies, as so am I. I high schools you have to have your friends the ones that will never leave you ones that you can trust. My friends on the other hand are much; much, much more better than that, they are all different form each other, we have the talker which is me, the shy one but sassy Amanda, funny, and still has his toys form when he was little because he has a young mind Davaughn, happy, moves around too much and dances great Damien, Funny but quiet Chink (Brandon), he’s rude sometimes and is the little emotional one Rudy, also a other fantastic one is Danielle she is loud like me funny, Felix is loud really fun, Eddie he is a dork funny with a goofy smile, and Sherina she sometimes can be rude and tell the truth a little too loud but it’s who she is, I love all these people so much they have always been there for me. And I never ever want to lose then, they had made my school year so fantastic, iv you could ever find these kinds of people you should keep them locked in your heart because it’s very hard to find them and they all like each other. Sketchy Kids (SK).

Well my sophomore year was really fun but I will miss it, the people the teachers, the people I just hope nobody changes over the summer because I love the way everyone is. Junior year is in about 3 months and I’m super excited, I hope you like this it’s the hardest I ever tried on a essay, and this class was fun Mr. Leh has taught me so much about standing up for what you believe in and the difference it makes when you speak louder than other people, and shown me what writing can do to somebody and the effects it has on others, Power is what I have and I have chosen to use it for the rest of my life.
 THANKS MR. LEH!! :) :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Anything,But Amazing

Wow! My school year as a sophomore was great, exciting. The people I have met are so great, their not your average cup of Joe. What’s great is their like me, weird, funny, loud, spontaneous. There the people I look forward to when I come to school. To me their family I’m always with them, We have to crews in our family first is the Sketchy Kids(SK) that’s Damien(Black Kid), Davaughn(Native),Danielle(BabyD),Me(Jasmine.J.A.M),Amanda(Mandy),Brandon(Chink)Eddie(DoubleD),Omar(Mar),Rudy(Roach),Sherina(rina),Felix(Albo).

That’s my family the other crew is a couple I just named but including Gabe. These people make my life so much easier; with them we live life to the fullest. We have movie nights like every weekend, I can tell that these people can never be replaces, everyone has their own little personality, it’s like a puzzle if you’re missing a piece you can’t find a replacement no matter what you do there’s going to be something missing, Incomplete. Even though we have our fights and disagreements we still get along. People think it’s crazy how even though I have dated two of my best friends their still so close, but they say that relationships start from friendships well it opposite for me, we dated then became best friends ha.

High school is great, but going by so fast, I finally learned that life can fly by when you’re having fun. People fight and argue these days but me I wouldn’t waste my time. We have to build from scratch here at my school but that’s ok I deal with the ups and downs. My mind is seat to dealing with school and the routes it takes me through. The school is gorgeous and brand new, the people here are great theirs people who are happy they love to smile people who say “hi how’s your day”. The year has flown by but I still haven’t figured out what coming up, some of my friends are moving witch sucks because I know we say oh we will still be close and talk. But we all know the secret that runs through our head (I don’t think we will make it) but you tell yourself you can’t think that way.:(

Junior year is just a other year to make more memories and plans for me and my life, Im just really hope and wish that the people I love will still be there, because life isn’t worth anything unless you have people you love their rutting for you. Now I know my best friends might not be able to read this but even though I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH AND I NEVER WANT TO LOOSE YOU EVER!! Because we are Sketchy Kids (SK)& PB&J and we will always be. I have never told you guys this but you guys really mean the world to me and if I ever lost I really don’t kn..ow what I would do..LOVE YOU!!! =) =)
some of my best friends...

Friday, May 14, 2010

"My Quote" Means To me. 500 Words

If I had to leave this earth and had one thing to say it would have to be "If you have lived life with no risk, you haven’t really lived yet."(Munoz, Jasmine, 2010)

And I would want my friends and family to live by that. Life is not really amazing till you lived life to the fullest. You don’t want to be the one to say I should have done that or I should have done this. But life is something you should enjoy, cause if not you will regret it, I promise you.

When life hands you lemons you make lemonade, but these days lemonade is not much so people try to make it into grape juice or whatever your favorite drink is. Well I would want everyone to think grateful even when things look bad, just think there’s going to be a better day. Life is not worth living if you say so. You are only as strong and your weakest point, and that point should even be strong. Live life great have fun with friends work hard be who you want to be, when you see other people you want to be don’t let that get to you because you know for a fact that you have something they want to. Don’t ever think low of yourself because all it causes is problems.

I thank god everyday for the people who love me and hangout with me to me friends are so precious I tell them everyday how much I love them, because who knows what’s going to happen ,one might leave or move, so you would want them to know how much they mean to you right? People these days don’t like to express their feelings because their scared or their nervous to see what they say or think, but you will never know that answer until you actually attempt it.

Believe me I have been through that and I hated myself after and dealing with the consequences.

"My Quote"

"If you have lived life with no risk, you haven’t really lived yet."(Munoz, Jasmine, 2010)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Who would You Wanna Be?

If I could be one person for a day who would I be? Well that’s a very hard question because you know most people would want to be someone else because their life isn’t so great? But see me yes I have my hard times with other and my life but I learn to deal with it. But if I had to be one person any person I honestly I really don’t know because they’re so much people and so much different personalities. So instead of being one person I’m going to give you several.

First I think would be anyone’s wish is to be someone famous, but everyone has their different person and my person would have to be my favorite country singer and that Taylor Swift. And I know what’s running through your head, “oh every girl wants to be her”, but no I would like to be Taylor is because she sings from the heart and her mind. All you hear these days is music about sex, drugs, party, but no she sings about life, love, friendship, and family. And last but not least the reason is because she had a chance with Taylor Launder <3 and let me say that boy is so fine.ha

Now let’s say I could be any cartoon character, and I would have to say Fan Boy and Chum Chum because their two young boys who are likely close to super Heros. Their best friends and keep it that way. But the reason I truly love these characters is because they are both unique they don’t care what people think they do what they want I mean they wear capes. They laugh as loud as they want to say what they want and are always having fun. Now you might say their only that way because their cartoons but even though people should be really like that cause if we were all that way everyone would be happy.

Now if I was a band I think I would want to be Simple Plan their fun kind of band. Make fun and exciting song even when their sad, they put some enthusiasm in their music, they tell their own life stories in their songs, it makes you want to know why they made the song and even might want to start your own band. When I think of music I think of them because music is in every day life and you can’t change that, some people ignore it but these guys bring it out in their music.

And if I could be someone else I would be a belay dancer why you ask. Well I think they’re so beautiful, they use the body to make art, in any kind of music, when they dance to one of those boring old song, once she hits the stage you can feel a strange feeling when she spins and dances. Tears, laughs, and you enjoy her hard work to keep the balance of her body. To me it’s great to be in the audience if I could do what she does so great, it would be an honor to even be able to stand by someone like her.

I am who I want to be, but everyone is holding back something which I am but once that point comes in my life you will see. Me and I are the same but different, sometimes I wish I was someone else, but there has to be a reason why god gave me this life this body and maybe we should realize maybe it was in god’s plan for us to be like this, because we are all different and we will all do something so great but its only because we are ourselves and not someone else.

Be Who You wanna Be, Even if Its Diffrent From Everyone Else.
Theirs much more to life then getting your heart broken, Or you not getting the pair of shoes you wanted, just keep in your head that theirs much more then this,,..